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7 Secrets of Shiva (Audiobook) Shiva, 'the destroyer' among the Hindu trinity (of gods), is depicted in many contradictory manners.

He is an ascetic who wears animal skin, his body smeared with ashes. Contradictory to his wild nature, he is also depicted as having a family, with a beautiful wife and two children. The author, Devdutt Pattanaik, has taken up seven aspects of Shiva worship from Hinduism, which are nothing but seven different forms of Shiva worship. Shiva is worshipped in many forms, as the Lingeshwara, Kala Bhairava, Sundareshwara, Shankara, and Nataraja, and the author goes into each form and analyzes what it represents.

About the Author

Devdutt Pattanaikis a doctor who has always had a passion for Hindu mythology, stories, and symbolism. He has written several books on Indian puranas and epics, and the Hindu Pantheon. He was born in the year 1970.

CD Information

No. of Discs:1 (Compact Disk)

Running Time:3 Hrs. 28 Min.


Specifications of 7 Secrets of Shiva (Audiobook)

Publisher Bookstalk Audiobooks & Westland
Publication Year 2012
ISBN-13 9789381215449
ISBN-10 9381215448
Language English
Binding Audiobook
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7 Secrets of Shiva (Audiobook) Shiva, 'the destroyer' among the Hindu trinity (of gods), is depicted in many contradictory manners.

He is an ascetic who wears animal skin, his body smeared with ashes. Contradictory to his wild nature, he is also depicted as having a family, with a beautiful wife and two children. The author, Devdutt Pattanaik, has taken up seven aspects of Shiva worship from Hinduism, which are nothing but seven different forms of Shiva worship. Shiva is worshipped in many forms, as the Lingeshwara, Kala Bhairava, Sundareshwara, Shankara, and Nataraja, and the author goes into each form and analyzes what it represents.

About the Author

Devdutt Pattanaikis a doctor who has always had a passion for Hindu mythology, stories, and symbolism. He has written several books on Indian puranas and epics, and the Hindu Pantheon. He was born in the year 1970.

CD Information

No. of Discs:1 (Compact Disk)

Running Time:3 Hrs. 28 Min.


Specifications of 7 Secrets of Shiva (Audiobook)

Publisher Bookstalk Audiobooks & Westland
Publication Year 2012
ISBN-13 9789381215449
ISBN-10 9381215448
Language English
Binding Audiobook
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7 Secrets of Shiva (Audiobook)

7 Secrets of Shiva (Audiobook) Shiva, 'the destroyer' among the Hindu trinity (of gods), is depicted in many contradictory manners.

He is an ascetic who wears animal skin, his body smeared with ashes. Contradictory to his wild nature, he is also depicted as having a family, with a beautiful wife and two children. The author, Devdutt Pattanaik, has taken up seven aspects of Shiva worship from Hinduism, which are nothing but seven different forms of Shiva worship. Shiva is worshipped in many forms, as the Lingeshwara, Kala Bhairava, Sundareshwara, Shankara, and Nataraja, and the author goes into each form and analyzes what it represents.

About the Author

Devdutt Pattanaikis a doctor who has always had a passion for Hindu mythology, stories, and symbolism. He has written several books on Indian puranas and epics, and the Hindu Pantheon. He was born in the year 1970.

CD Information

No. of Discs:1 (Compact Disk)

Running Time:3 Hrs. 28 Min.


Specifications of 7 Secrets of Shiva (Audiobook)

Publisher Bookstalk Audiobooks & Westland
Publication Year 2012
ISBN-13 9789381215449
ISBN-10 9381215448
Language English
Binding Audiobook

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